Get to Know Me

lololHi Everyone! Today I decided to do a Get To Know Me post so that all of my readers can know more about me. I saw this post on Jessica Jade’s blog a while back but didn’t get the chance to actually do it for myself until now so here goes.

  1. Is your hair naturally curly or straight? Curly and wavy.
  2. Do you colour your hair yourself or go to a salon? I rarely colour my hair but I’ve tried both once.
  3. Do you wear the same clothing style every day, or do you change it? I usually change it up depending on my mood.
  4. Favourite Perfumes? Modern Muse Le Rouge, Marc Jacob’s Daisy, Chanel Chance Eau Tendre, and Dolce & Gabbana’s The One.
  5. How often do you change your nail polish? I rarely wear nail polish since I’m pretty awful at applying it.
  6. What are your favourite movies? Jurassic Park, Shawshank Redemption, Iron Man, and 10 Things I Hate About You.
  7. How long does it take for you to put on makeup? Depends on how much makeup I’m putting on, but for an everyday look it takes 15 minutes.
  8. What do you do first? Face or eyes? Definitely eyes.
  9. Do you collect makeup or just buy what you need when you need it? Collect it since I’m way too obsessed.
  10. How often do you wear false eyelashes? Maybe once a year.
  11. Do you do a full face of makeup everyday? Nope.
  12. Do you wear makeup when you’re home alone or with family? Nope.
  13. Will you leave the house without makeup? Depends on where I’m headed to.
  14. How many high-end products do you have? A few that I splurged on.
  15. Do you plan your OOTD every night or decide when you’re getting dressed? I procrastinate with everything.13570119_1231324706902412_1242280388_o
  16. How often do you change your handbag? I have a bunch but there’s always one that has a special place in my heart for a few months so I’ll use that for months in a row (currently my pastel blue Kate Spade).
  17. What time do you wake up and go to sleep? It changes all the time, I have a terrible sleeping schedule!
  18. How often or when do you workout? hahahahahaha.
  19. Left handed or right handed? Right.
  20. How tall are you? 5’5
  21. Do you speak any foreign languages? Urdu and I used to be able to speak Arabic.
  22. How many pets do you have? None.
  23. How often are you on WordPress? Everyday.
  24. Do you read comments posted on blogs? Yup, all the time!
  25. Do you keep a list of products to try as you see other posts? I’m terrible at making lists and being organized so I just try to remember them in my head.13446203_1216410045060545_2142171301_o
  26. How did you come up with your blog name? I have no idea but I spent a really long time brainstorming and it eventually just hit me.
  27. Who are your favourite authors? Sophie Kinsella gives me life. 
  28. How often do you clean your house? Not as often as I should.
  29. What’s your favourite colour? Red.
  30. What’s one thing most people probably don’t know about you I’m obsessed with Pokémon.
  31. What are you doing with the rest of your day? Finish up some blog posts and then go on a walk with my Pokémon Go!

I hope you guys enjoyed finding out a bit more about me and I’d love to see more of you answer these questions as well! Let me know what you think in the comments below.signoff7

50 thoughts on “Get to Know Me

  1. Great to learn more about you!
    I do my eyes first too – helps with cleaning up any fall out.
    I love Shawshank Redemption too. I always watch it whenever it’s on TV.
    Hey, how did you get Pokemon – it’s not launched in Canada yet! Tsk tsk. (my coworker also downloaded it “through a backdoor way”)

    Liked by 3 people

  2. New to your blog (thanks for the follow 😄), but have to say really enjoyed reading some fun facts about you! 😊
    I definitely do my eyes first always! There were other facts that I could definitely identify with! 😁 I also love pokemon and currently most of my day consists of reading/replying blogs and trying to catch ’em all as well 😀

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Such a fun read!I agree with the eyelashes bit I don’t wear it that often either.Marc Jacobs daisy is a perfume i have been wanting to try!What do you think about it? Xo

    Liked by 1 person

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